They have long productive lives, cows will produce 10 or more calves calving regularly. The cows show great efficiency and often wean calves that weigh 45-50% of their body mass
A scientific question is a question that is based on observations and that is testableThe scientist asks a new question about the impact of climate change on the species because the results of the investigation led to new scientific questions. Correct answer: C
They are dangerous to the environment because they have no natural competition. That being said they have nothing to keep their population in check, therefore, taking away food, and habits from all the other species. Thus, causing species to die out, which in turn ruins the food chain.
Well the most common is habittat destruction. With the number of humans only growing, more land is needed and habitat desturctions occur. Lack of food is also a problem, as some crops don’t grow as much so the bee’s food source is smaller which leaves thousands dead. Also if the food source doesn’t run out, there are pesticides sprayed and the bees will die if eaten one which the chemical properties in a pesticide will kill. Also if not used, littering, if you dump it into a water source, the water gets contaminated and the bees could die from that, or the water spreads ano the flower would receive this chemical property, which could kill the Bee’s food source, or the flower doesn’t die but when the bees consume it, the bee will die.
To study these moths, Dr. Kettlewell placed light and dark moths on the trunks of trees where he could observe them. The same birds would find the dark moth twice as often if the bark on the tree was light. This supported the idea that dark moths had a survival advantage in a dark forest.