The right answer is B.
Starch is, along with cellulose, the most common polysaccharide in the plant world. It constitutes the essential energy reserves of plants and is a component of the diet of humans. It is part of the group of slow sugars. Its consumption is particularly recommended to those who practice a sport.
Glycogen, which is a polysaccharide, is the form in which carbohydrates are stored in the body (animals and fungi). Glycogen is broken down into glucose molecules when the body needs energy.
Long-term storage of information of a living thing.
So dark linen thread structure is chromosome that we see. And and by molecule heritage that we contain.
The number of predators and preys change from time to time following
cycles. Whenever there is fewer prey, predators start dying because they
have not enough to eat; however, that provokes the population of prey
to be increased while there are fewer predators. So if suddenly the
number of prey gets bigger, regardless of the number of predators, the
cycles get disturbed by this sudden occurrence. The predators will get
more to hunt, therefore getting more violent.
Cell division is when the cell divides its chromisomes. Replication is when it replicates or makes another dna molocule like it.