The correct answer is aerobic conditions.
When you do rigorous exercise, the cells of the muscles require more oxygen and this requirement is met through aerobic conditions.
The body has its own oxygen energy system that manages the presence of the oxygen during movement.
Potassium and can be obtained by eating avocados, acorn squash, sweet potato, spinach etc..
Why temperature affects heart rate in ectothermic organisms? If the temperature is within the optimal range for enzyme activity more ATP will be produced and the heart will beat faster due to increased metabolic activity and energy availability.
<h2>Males produces less amount of sperms when mated alone.</h2>
Mediterranean fruit flies are also called as medfly. They are a type of pests that are yellow and brown in color and are originated from Sub- Sahara Africa and also found in California, Texas and some other places.
When Matthew Gage analyzed then, he found the males that mate alone produce fewer sperms while those mates in the presence of other males produce more sperms.
making hypotheses is a scientific method