The CI produces hand made products while the FS uses machinery.
In the CI the workers manufacture individual articles while in the FS they use mass priduction.
In the Cottage industry CI there was a hugher product cost because there was morr man power per unit of production unlike thr Factory system FS which used far less manpower per unit of production lowering production cost.
Children and women were treated better in the CI unlike the FS where conditions were unfair as they were paid far less than men.
The factories were very unsafe and many workers died or lost limbs from the dangerous machinery and were harmed by the toxic fumes . In the cottage industry however it was much safer.
The most significant similarity between a factory and a cottage industry business is that both manufacture or produce goods.
It was more efficient to import slaves from Africa than from other places.
Because he found out they had gold and cures and they knew the land well and how to hunt and find food