Ok first one ok so sometimes people don't like a certain religion and which they speak out and criticize there religion and it can end up with some people not being happy number 2 some people actually like all religions and they like it for a reason and some people disagree with them but a religion is a religion and they can't change the way they think.
Local: Many local businesses that are on the water during an algae bloom get less traffic at their store and have to deal with the fact that they are losing customers during this time.
State: Many tourists avoid the coast that has the algae bloom because getting in the water poses as a harm to them. Sometimes, if it gets too intense, the state might have to release algae bloom warnings that requires everyone to stay out of the water.
National: Some seafood comes from Florida and algae blooms can kill wildlife off, making it contaminated and unsafe for human consumption. This can hurt seafood sales around the nation.
The angels started that prayer is the essence of worship in lslam.