During a 30 year period, the yearly frequency of drought is 10%, which is experienced in three separate years.
Additionally, drought is a period where precipitation is below average and thus resulting in prolonged shortages of water supply as far as both ground and surface water are concerned. This can last for several months or even for years.
To maintain stability.
It is important to protect networks of ecosystems and habitats in order to get healthy and stable environment because the environment depends on ecosystems and habitats. If there is no ecosystem or habitat is destroyed then the whole ecosystem will greatly damaged that leads to the extinction of many animals that maintain stability in the environment. Swift fox (Vulpes velox) and Bison (Bison bison athabascae) are the two species that can be protected by protecting habitat and ecosystem.
The answer is a black mamba.
The black mamba is predator typically found in central Africa. Not only that its scales are black but also an interior of its mouth. It moves very quickly and at any sudden movement, it is ready to slay its opponents through a rapid application of venomous strikes. <span>Its venom is highly toxic and it could kill a man for 10-15 hours after the bite if antivenom is not applied.</span>
<span><span> (I) Glucose; is C
(II) Starch; A
(III) Sucrose</span> B
A) Polysaccharides
B) Disaccharides
C) Monosaccharides
</span><span><span>Monosaccharide, disaccharides, and polysaccharides are the three major categories of molecules in Carbohydrates. </span>
Monosaccharides, known as simple sugar, is the simplest form of carbohydrates. Its basic molecular formula is CH2O. Monosaccharides are glucose, fructose, and galactose. Its primary function is to be the source of energy of living organisms. It is also the primary requirement for the formation of disaccharides and polysaccharides.
Disaccharides are formed when two monosaccharides are bonded together through a covalent bond. Common Dissaccharides are sucrose (glucose+fructose) or table sugar, maltose (glucose+glucose), and lactose (glucose+galactose). Its primary function is to provide nutrition for monosaccharides. Sugar in food is mostly dissaccharides.
<span>Polysaccharides are formed when another monosaccharides is bonded to the disaccharides. This bond is called glycosidic bond. Two major polysaccharides are starch and glycogen. Starch is made by plants while glycogen is made by animals. Polysaccharides' major function is to immediately release energy from its storage. When glucose is consumed, some of them are stored and will only be released when the body needs it to satisfy the body's immediate need of energy.</span> </span>