Answer; (not correctly matched)
Apocrine gland; Thermoregulation;
Apocrine glands are found in the skin and the eyelids.
Most apocrine glands in the skin are in the armpits, the groin, and the area around the nipples of the breast.
They are scent glands, and their secretions usually have a odor. They empty into the hair follicle just before they open onto the skin surface.
Deforestation facilitates one part of the carbon cycle, increasing the CO2 in the atmosphere. It also prevents forests from absorbing any further carbon by destroying the trees. It, therefore, inhibits this aspect of the cycle and leads to increased levels of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
high enough quantities of CO would cause Cell respiration to stop and eventually cause the organism to die
Symptoms usually appear 30–60 minutes after eating toxic shellfish and includenumbness and tingling of the face, lips, tongue, arms, and legs. There may beheadache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.