Los dasipódidos (Dasypodidae), conocidos comúnmente como armadillos, son una familia de mamíferos placentarios del orden Cingulata. Se caracterizan por poseer un caparazón dorsal formado por placas yuxtapuestas, ordenadas por lo general en filas transversales, con cola bastante larga y extremidades cortas.
Plants are made from Meiosis no matter what
Les ruminants sont dotés d'un estomac puissant qui se compose de 4 poches : la panse, le bonnet, le feuillet et la caillette. Chacune joue un rôle bien précis dans la rumination
Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that turns normal, round blood cells into misshaped cells that look like sickles or crescent moons. These sickled cells can get stuck in blood vessels, blocking blood flow and causing severe pain as well as damage to organs, muscles, and bones. Sickle cell disease is inherited, passed from parent to child. Children with sickle cell disease have two defective genes, one from each parent. A child born with sickle cell trait inherited one defective gene from one parent, and a normal gene from the other parent. These children don't have sickle cell disease but are carriers of the defective gene and may pass it on to their children.
hope this helps!!</h2>