Buy the car if it is good quality... or if he has enough money
A royalty is a fee that the franchisee has to pay the franchiser for trading under its name.
A franchise operation is when one party (franchiser) allows another party (franchisee) access to it’s proprietary knowledge, trademark and processes in order to allow the party to sell a product or provide a service under the business’s name. A common example of a franchise operation are KFC outlets across the globe.
A royalty fee is a fee that the franchisee has to pay the franchiser on a common basis such as quarterly or annually for trading under its name. It is generally calculated as a percentage of gross sales. In this case the royalty fee would be 5% of gross sales.
The retained earnings statement showed a closing retained earnings of $226,120.00 as at 2017 year end.
In arriving at the closing retained earnings , I treated prior items retrospectively- that is as if the impact of such items have been in the accounts from day one,less the tax effect of all items involved.
For instance ,I deducted the understatement of depreciation in 2015 less of tax impact of 40%
Kindly find attached for details.
a set of assumption framework and methodologies used in the study of application of financial reporting principles
Compt. Maint. Mixing Packaging
Dept Cost 140,000 115,000
Cost allocation 32941 41177 65882
Cost allocation
(Maintenance) 56900 91041
Total 98077 156923
Computer department cost allocation
Maintenance department = 4/17*140000 =32941
Mixing department = 5/17*140000 =41177
Packaging department = 8/17*140000= 65882
Maintenance department cost allocation
Total cost allocated = 147941
Mixing department = 5/13*147941 = 56900
Packaging department = 8/13*147941 =91041