The correct answer to this question is B
Dear Diary,
Well, December is now here, though I said some people believed Christmas started in November! A part of me wishes it was over and done with all ready, though my child side is bubbling with excitement. Seems the kids at school are also feeling it. Today was also the first rehearsals for the play and let's just say we have a long way to go with that and not enough time! I got the kids writing letters to Santa and we put them up on the wall. I'm probably going to have to look at getting some decoration in the next few days. As for present shopping, don't get me starting! I'll be doing it all online two weeks before as I did last time. At least I've less people on my list this year. I've still not reconnected with my university friends, I guess that'll be on my New Year's resolutions list. First the staff Christmas party and I really hope Ross will be there...not that I'll be getting alchohol and throwing myself at him. No, this time I'm going to play it cool, but wearing my little black dress will help.
Listing and prioritizing all appointments and activities
“I saw and approached the hungry and desperate mother as if drawn by a magnet,” Lange told Popular Photography magazine in 1960. She had spotted a sign for the migrant workers' campsite driving north on Highway 101 through San Luis Obispo County, some 175 miles north of Los Angeles.
Or just put she had spotted a sign for the migrant workers' campsite driving north on Highway 101 through San Luis Obispo County, some 175 miles north of Los Angeles.