Through laws that guaranteed them equal access to education
Am not a 100% sure but Am pretty sure that its coal, reason why when J.J. earned you know started. Doing all this stuff. That person was most know for coaling, but I just got done leaning about this and that where. He earned his fortune
Heya!! W.E.B Du Bois and Booker T. Washington both had a goal to uplift black community and the both apposed racial violence.
tenth century
Muslim rule was swiftly expanding in 7th and 8th century ranging from territories in Spain to Indus and thereby controlling the trade route across the Mediterranean. Muslim Spain was during the rule of Abd al-Rahman III, the Umayyad Muslim leader. Muslim rule in Spain was called al-Andalus by Muslims while Jews called it sepharad. The period of Muslim rule in Spain was from 711 to 1031 CE.