Looking for information in newspapers, magazines, and reference materials and judging its accuracy
voting in local, state, and national elections
participating in a political discussion
trying to persuade someone to vote a certain way
signing a petition
wearing a button or putting a sticker on the car
writing letters to elected representatives
contributing money to a party or candidate
attending meetings to gain information, discuss issues, or lend support
campaigning for a candidate
lobbying for laws that are of special interest
demonstrating through marches, boycotts, sit-ins, or other forms of protest
serving as a juror
running for office
holding public office
serving the country through military or other service
disobeying laws and taking the consequences to demonstrate that a law or policy is unjust
In 1933 The Federal Emergency Relief Program (Aka: FERA) was established by president Franklin Roosevelt :)
Hatred Everyone's on a power trip. No one's humble. No one subscribes to "Live & Let Live". Muslims don't believe in treating others the way you want to be treated. They believe in double-standards.
He helped created modern astronomy.
In early 1610, he made the first in a remarkable series of discoveries. While the scientific doctrine of the day held that space was perfect, unchanging environments created by God, Galileo's telescope helped change that view. He used the telescope to revolutionise astronomy which had relied for millennia on observations and measurements made with the naked eye.
The population of native Latin Americans decreased during the age of exploration and with colonization because of the diseases that conquistadors and colonizers brought that Latin Americans did not have any previous exposure to (no immunity so died from the diseases). The colonizors had used native populations for labor so when they died, they needed a new form of labor. They brought Africans to latin america and enslaved them for their labor. This bringing of slaves over created the transatlantic slave trade (depicted in the pictures, transatlantic bc they were shipping over the atlantic ocean) and also created the diaspora of african culture and religions to latin america (this is found most in the carribean).