Stay safe online make sure not to give any personal info. Don’t talk to any strangers definitely if it can be prevented. If you feel uncomfortable and you feel like you are being used under any circumstances you need to tell a adult.
it is described as a ductless gland
Wellness is a continuum, which means personal wellness can vary between very poor and very good. (A)
Have a great day/night! ^^
It could happen to her but it is more likely if she works out already it would be already doing it don't u think
Answer: She needs to take of the child so that he can intake fluids as all the fluids he is ingesting is getting dehydrated by the body.
The child is having mild fever and is constantly vomiting and diarrhea. In these two cases the water from the body is constantly going out and along with water electrolytes also drain out of the body.
The nurse action will be to stop the fluid loss from the body of the child and then further actions can be taken.