Powers not directly stated in the Constitution that have been interpreted as belonging to the national government are described as implied powers. An example of an implied power is when the national government creates an Air Force division of the military.
The voter is said to vote a <u>split ticket</u>.
Split ticket voting occurs when a voter chooses to vote candidates from different political parties into different offices in the same election.
An example is <u>voting a Republican as President of the United States, and in the same election, going ahead to vote a Democrat into the Senate.</u>
A voter may choose to do this for any number of reasons, one of which may include trying to ensure a check and balance on the power of the presidency.
Congress is successful in practicing administrative oversight of the government organization. Spending plan Control - Congress has the power of providing or denying assets to offices giving congress an impression of the viability and effectiveness of that office.
No electing result/Political implications
· Oversight is work concentrated/difficult work
· Absence of specialized aptitude
· Logrolling
· Absence of spending plan control
· It is obscure to Empower regulation
· Vested parties/PACs urge individuals to ignore successfully organization
· Administrative pathologies (for instance, Congress sets out open doors for casework through formality; it is hard to fire chairmen)
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The northeastern region is the nation's most economically developed densely populated and culturally diverse region