ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) is a compound made through the oxidisation of glucose and water (aerobic respiration). True.
The Nucleus contains most of the genetic information for making proteins
The ribosome is the place where the polypeptide strand and the mRNA meet in order to create a protein
Nucleolus has a role in the biogenesis of the ribosomes
RER -intracelular transport and protein making because of the attached ribosomes
SER-intracelular transport,lipid synthesis and it is the place where the glicogen is metabolized
Golgi Apparatus has a secretive role
Lysosomes contain 40+ hydrolytic enzimes that help with intracelular digestion
Cilia and flagella both help with the moving of the cell
Extracellular matrix keeps the cells together
The Mitochondria sythesizes ATP in a process caled oxidative phosphorylation of organic substances
Codon is three DNA and RNA nucleotides that go to a certain amino acid and or stop certain protein signal during synthesis
Hope this helps :)
Cholestrol streghtens the cell memebrane. Its STRUCTURE gets fixed in the cell membrane and then performs its FUNCTIONS that is to strengthen the cell membrane
Diffusion , the movement of gas molecules .