Should I or can I eat salty foods?
Do I have to check my pressure immediately?
Do I have to follow a balanced diet?
Is it good to do physical activity?
Do I have to worry about the signs of eye flickering and headache?
Blood pressure is regulated by endogenous mechanisms, although these sometimes fail and it is necessary to take drugs to reduce high blood pressure, an example of which is beta-blockers.
Blood pressure is also regulated by diets based on low sodium consumption, necessary calories and with great contributions of nutrients since cardiac or cardiovascular health is also essential in the face of possible formation of atheroma plaques.
The increase in blood pressure with the appearance of atheroma plaques is very common, and it is also the two most frequent causes of AMI (acute myocardial infarction)
Looking at the sky during night is always an amazing scene. It takes our breath away, every time when we see the night sky with countless stars twinkling, full moon and planets. I always wished I reach those far planets travelling in space. The only way I can fulfill my dream is to become an astronaut. Astronaut is a person who is trained to travel in a spaceship to go to outer space. If I were an astronaut, I wish my first mission will be to the moon. However, I will have to undergo a very strict training to survive in space We all have seen the training videos of astronauts in DISCOVERY channel where they even undergo underwater training. Life in space will be different with zero gravity and so we will experience zero weight and will float freely. Wow!!!! that seems to be an exciting thing. But how we will eat and drink?
Inputs for the Electron Transport Chain are NADH, H+, ADP, FADH2, O2. Outputs: NAD+, ATP, FAD, H2O. 1)