Hereditary diseases and cancer are ways in which inherited factors can affect a persons health
Tubes for Transporting Food-carrying tubes Phloem Water-carrying tubes Xylem Sugar is produced In the leaves. The food-carrying tubes transport this sugar from the leaves to the other parts of the plant. The root hairs found on the roots Take in water and mineral salts from the soil.
A universal genetic code allows "the processes of transcription and translation to produce the same proteins in all species."
To say that the genetic code is universal it means that it is read/interpreted in the same exact way in all cells. This is that the same group of three nucleotides, a codon, will always translate into the same amino acid in any cell leading to the formation of the same protein, or at least a protein with same amino acids when first formed.
Hello, Christylucia96!! Your best answer would be C - Stellar evolution. Nuclear fusion is what powers the stars. Nebular clouds are a bunch of stars, also where they are born. Stellar means star and evolution means changes throughout time. The Big Bang Theory states that space began with a few stars and an explosion happened, which created a bunch of different stars that we have today. I hope I helped!! Have a great evening!!
B. Mitochondria
Mitochondria is the cell’s powerhouse, these organelles are the main suppliers of energy without these organelles; nutrients are unable to be converted to usable ATP which is needed for many vital jobs including cAMP mediated transport. In addition, when looking at histology, tissues with many mitochondria organelles, which looks like spots, will most likely be muscle tissues.