Using the knowledge in computational language in LC-3 Assembly it is possible to write a code that replaces the value in R0 with its absolute value
<h3>Writting the code </h3>
.ORIG x0200
AND R0, R0, #0 ; copy R0 to itself to set the condition codes based on R0;
; i.e performing addition operation with Zero option to set the flags
BRzp DONE ; if R0 is NON-NEGATIVE, skip the negation (already correct);
; Branch to DONE if number is poistive
NOT R0, R0 ; R0 is negative, so negate it i.e taking 2's complement
ADD R0, R0, #1 ; R0 = -R0 is performed successfully
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I have attached the answer as an image. I can't upload the file as it requires a licensed product and I only used demo version. I can provide the file too if you can give me your vlsig file required to use full software. However, If you just copy along the images on your Visual Studio, you will easily create the files yourself. Answer is provided for both scenarios as part A and part B, one which stops after 1 iteration and the one which loops until 0 height is given.
B. Monitor backlighting
The computer system is a machine that can digitally receive input, process the inputted data and display and save results. The computer system is a physical system driven by a software component.
The computer hardware components are classified as input unit or devices, output unit, memory and storage unit, and processing unit. The screen is an output unit of the computer system, it displays the output or result of the processed data.
The power supply to the screen, in this context, is not faulty due to the other screen used in testing the supply and input connectors. The back light on the screen has failed and that is why the brightness can not be adjusted.
First addition, then division
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