to make fire, to make tools, and to use language
Tips or taxes add money to a bill.This is the same as a markup.Markdowns are the same as discounts.They take a percentage off a bill
Match the following items. 1. Allied attack beginning takeover of France Nagasaki 2. Japanese bombing attack on the United States Navy United Nations 3. atomic bomb site at end of war on Pacific front Bay of Pigs 4. an organization for solving world problems peacefully Gulf of Tonkin 5. an organization giving European nations defense against a Communist threat Cold War 6. an organization giving Asian nations defense against a Communist threat Normandy 7. a resolution giving Johnson authority to retaliate militarily in Vietnam NATO 8. bloodless conflict between United States and Soviet Union Marshall Plan 9. financial aid to European nations Vietnamization 10. the Cuban invasion that attempted to overthrow Castro Pearl Harbor 11. determined the future of occupied nations following World War II SEATO 12. withdrawal of United States troops from Vietnam Potsdam meetings
Match the following items. 1. Allied attack beginning takeover of France \\f \in 5. an organization giving European nations defense against a Communist threat Cold War 6. an organization giving Asian nations defense against a Communist threat Normandy 7. a resolution giving Johnson authority to retaliate militarily in Vietnam NATO 8. bloodless conflict between United States and Soviet Union Marshall Plan 9. financial aid to European nations Vietnamization 10. the Cuban invasion that attempted to overthrow Castro Pearl Harbor 11. determined the future of occupied nations following World War II SEATO 12. withdrawal of United States troops from Vietnam Potsdam meetings
Match the following items. 1. Allied attack beginning takeover of France Nagasaki 2. Japanese bombing attack on the United States Navy United Nations 3. atomic bomb site at end of war on Pacific front Bay of Pigs 4. an organization for solving world problems peacefully Gulf of Tonkin 5. an organization giving European nations defense against a Communist threat Cold War 6. an organization giving Asian nations defense against a Communist threat Normandy 7. a resolution giving Johnson authority to retaliate militarily in Vietnam NATO 8. bloodless conflict between United States and Soviet Union Marshall Plan 9. financial aid to European nations Vietnamization 10. the Cuban invasion that attempted to overthrow Castro Pearl Harbor 11. determined the future of occupied nations following World War II SEATO 12. withdrawal of United States troops from Vietnam Potsdam meetings
Match the following items. 1. Allied attack beginning takeover of France Nagasaki 2. Japanese bombing attack on the United States Navy United Nations 3. atomic bomb site at end of war on Pacific front Bay of Pigs 4. an \\\\\\\\\\\\
This might refer to World War I, where to two groups were in
conflict with each other. The Triple
composed of Britain, France and Russia and the Triple Alliance composed of
Germany, Turkey, Austria and Bulgaria.
Many lives were lost and there was damaged to property.
They can help because although they all do things a bit different from each other it all works out. As an example Roosevelt was a republican but he was also a progressive and so he leaned to a more democratic view but when he handed his job to Taft who was full on republican, even though he changed a few things he still developed.
1. absolutist not religious or spiritual in nature
2. totalitarian political philosophy where the state owns business and all people are economically equal
3. coup a form of government where one person controls the entire nation
4. communism to seize political power of a government
5. socialism a type of government that controls every aspect of its citizens, including all private and public matters
6. secular a system of government in which a totalitarian party holds power and the state controls the economy Match the vocabulary term with its meaning.