First box. Sexual identity and gender.
Second box. Gender and race.
Third box. Gender and ethnicity.
Glad I could help.
The vulgar believe that happiness is about pleasure, according to Nicomachean ethics.
The Nicomachean Ethics is Aristotle's best-known work on ethics, the science of the good for human life, which is the goal or end at which all our actions aim. The aim of the inquiry is a political science and the master art of politics.
The Nicomachean Ethics is a book written by Aristotle named for Nicomachus , which in keeping with the Greek practice of boys being named after their grandfathers, was the name of both Aristotle's father and his son.
learn more about Nicomachean Ethics here
Gladiators would have only fitted in the colonial and Pre-Civil War South. In the modern era, they would not fit at all.
This is because gladiators were slaves, who fought battles, often to the dead, against other gladiators, other soldiers, and even wild animals, for the amusement of the Roman Society.
After the Civil War, Gladiators simply do not fit into the culture of the United States and its democratic setting, and the reason is that slavery is prohibited in the United States.
are you talking about the game?