C. Increased food production has supported larger workforces in the manufacturing and service sectors.
I received a 90% on this test, and it seems the most feasible option.
Every other answer for the test is in the .txt file attached to this answer :)
DATE ANSWERED: 5/12/2021
Austerity is a set of political-economic policies that aim to reduce government budget deficits through spending cuts, tax increases, or a combination of both. Austerity measures are often used by governments that find it difficult to borrow or meet their existing obligations to pay back loans. The measures are meant to reduce the budget deficit by bringing government revenues closer to expenditures. This reduces the amount of borrowing required and may also demonstrate a government's fiscal discipline to creditors and credit rating agencies and make borrowing easier or cheaper as a result.
From what i remember back in like 7th grade slaves were treated like items on a ship, they had little to no space and were crammed up together, i remember being shown a picture drawing of them even being put in the storage area. There, they would not be able to move much nor leave. all their wastes were not cleaned resulting in sickness being spread. Many were also hungry. At the end of the journey, lots of slaves died due to the reasons stated above.