a. Christianity offered comfort to people in troubled times.
b. Christianity gave people hope for a better future--at least in the afterlife.
c. Jesus' teachings made many Romans feel their life had meaning.
Mark the statement if it correctly explains Christianity's appeal to the people of the Roman Empire.
d. Only Christians were allowed to hold offices in the government.
Women and minorities tend to be more likely to be registered as Democrats.
White men and religious population tend to be more likely to be registered as republicans.
According to data that's gathered by the Bureau of statistics, around 56% female registered voters are democrats, and around 58% of the ethnic minorities registered as democrats. Around 54% of white men and 65% of Christian registered voters are republicans.
The numbers tend to be influenced by policies platform that the party advocated for. (For example, republicans get more voters from the Christian community since they tend to run on a more conservative/religious legislations)
The Church of England, a new church, was created.
Many people disagreed with the correct way to worship.
The US keeps Texas in the same manner that it wants to retain all of its territories after the Civil War, which essentially fixed the dilemma with states leaving the union once they're in, so Texas is part of the sovereign land of the United States, and we don't throw states out simply because their policies can or may not agree with what's happening at the federal level.
d. talked with lawmakers about issues that were important to women.
After the ratification of the 19th Amendment, women in Texas began to exercise their political rights to vote and to lobby their elected officials. In 1922, a group of women formed the Joint Legislative Council in order to lobby the Texas Legislature.
However, some opponents of the group nicknamed it the "Petticoat Lobby" in order to minimize the women's petitions. Nevertheless, the women achieved significant progress, including school and labor laws, a board of education, day nurseries, children's homes and adoption agencies.