I think this is supposed to say media so thats how I am going to answer it!
If there was news reporters at the scene of the Vietnam war it would show many American citizens what was going on. Many people would not like it because it would probably show the Vietnam capturing and torturing American soilders.
Farms tended to be small. With few exceptions, crops grown in the northeast never went more than a few miles from where they were grown. ... Southern farmers have a much longer growing season allowing for multiple harvest dates and a very wide range of crops.
Because there was no actual violence occurring. The problem was that the Berlin Wall was up, so the U.S teamed up with Britain and France to fight a “war” by delivering supplies by air dropping it over the wall. So while they were fighting with the gov. In some type of way. There was no real violence going on.
The development that allowed Europeans to obtain the products of East Asia was the:
New maritime technology allowed for ocean-going ships to establish trade routes from Asia to Europe via Southern Africa.
As part of this new maritime technology with the building of steamboats and engines, the development of large canal systems made it very possible for trade to flourish even to the hinterlands of the East Asian countries. Trade was also eased with the building of large warehouses at the banks of the canals and markets.