Chief Seattle has said these words - “Yonder sky that has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold"
Chief Seattle was the chief of Red Indian or Native American Tribes. He is famous for his speech or ‘letter’ which was a response to the ‘land treaty’ of the Government of America. The treaty was about buying the native lands.
These lines were uttered by him at the 'beginning' of the speech. He says that nature has given them everything that is needed for them to live on this earth. It never changed and remained eternal.
But he fears that due to human civilization, it may have a drastic change. If we don’t respect the values of the environment, this generation may have to face a lot of trouble.
i will repay you in the future, kind internet stranger
Throughout the dialogue, the author depicts an incredibly farfetched outcome. Leaving the man with a longing for justice. The man believes the woman deserves to be Avenged and takes matter into his own hands, leaving the reader and a cliffhanger.