The answer is I also plan organize more school dances and (to) give my fellow students more opportunities to interact socially.
The parable is an allegorical narration based on folklore, which uses situations and people to compare fiction with reality and through this comparison convey a lesson of wisdom (the moral of the story).
The parable conveys an ethical lesson through a metaphorical prose, a symbolic language and differs from the fable because it is carried out by human beings.
The correct answer is 4: The speaker implores God to use violence to break him so that he can be made new.
In this Holy Poem 14, “Batter my Heart”, by John Donne, the poet is addressing God directly and he is implying that the usual way God enters into everybody’s life is not enough for the poet. The poet does not need gentle manners: to knock, to shine, to mend.
On the other hand, in order to let God get into his life, he needs a tough hand: to force, to brake, to blow and burn. This is likely because the poet might consider his soul and heart are too corrupt for such gentle ways.
The paradox, or apparently contradictory idea, here is to attach God such a violent behavior.
Writing forma English means that you use a wide variety of words.
And those words are some pretty smart words, not the usual ones that are used in everyday speech.
When they're quoting someone, or using information from a specific place.