This is a passage from a book called <em>Talking About Our Troubles</em> by Mark Rutherford, in which he advocates that the only way in which people can think is through talking, and that the speech is the manufacture of the expression of opinion. He also suggests that people might also talk to others about their troubles in an attempt to lessen the other's.
It is known as an Electioneering.
Electioneering is the strategy used to obtain more significant support and acceptance from citizens; In these campaigns, the candidate must be clear about what message he wishes to give to potential voters. Politicians use different techniques in their campaigns, from ads, debates, and social networks that are widely used today.
Also, the applicant usually performs sympathetic actions with citizens where he increases his popularity and helps him be closer to winning.
To carry out electioneering, the candidate must choose very well his team, which will aim to help the candidate to win, they must also have strategies to raise money since it is an essential element to carry out activism in the campaign.
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<span>Structural Assimilation, aka? integration; members of a subordinate racial or ethnic group gain acceptance in everyday social interaction with members of the dominant group. Biological assimilation, aka? amalgamation; members of one group marry those of other social or ethnic groups. Psychologicalassimilation.</span><span>
La Segunda Guerra Mundial comenzó en Europa el 1 de septiembre de 1939, cuando Alemania invadió Polonia. Gran Bretaña y Francia respondieron declarando la guerra a Alemania el 3 de septiembre. La guerra entre la U.R.S.S. y Alemania comenzó el 22 de junio de 1941 con la Operación Barbarroja, la invasión alemana de la Unión Soviética.
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The correct answer is : The sense of relief and freedom
It means for the person who wrote it that America was a temporary relief from the regret and guilt that afflicted him in back in Afghanistan. For him, America was different and made him feel freedom from his past. The American country gave him a new life and a new opportunity to start over