A) Did it on Edu ! HOPE YOUR HAPPY
I think it was when people would line up at soup kitchens because when people lost their jobs, they didn't have money to buy food. Someone please tell me if I'm wrong.
Cape Cod emerged as a tourist attraction for people who seek some time at the beach and want to enjoy a vacation away from the bustle of city life.The Cape Cod National Seashore is actually a national park that spans over an extensive stretch of land and will give you a glimpse of the island's culture.
Both increases exports and decreases imports.
The navigation act's reflect the economic policy of mercantilism because in the navigation act's were acts promote to acquire self dependency of the British empire and decreasing dependency on the goods imported from other countries, while mercantilism is a policy in which exports are increases and imports are decreases. So we can say that navigation act's is the same to mercantilism.
In general, the Supreme Court during the era of Progressive reform in the United States tended to side with the big businesss, in the sense that there just wasn't enough legislation to make what they were doing blatantly illegal.