Adenosine triphosphate, commonly known as ATP, is the chemical molecule that stores and provides/releases energy in cells. ATP is needed by the cells of every living organism and is obtained via a process called CELLULAR RESPIRATION.
Cellular respiration is the process whereby cells breakdown food molecules (sugar) to synthesize energy storing molecules called ATP. Hence, in every tube where cellular respiration is occuring, ATP is the produced molecule that provides energy.
The gradual decline in men's testosterone levels in middle age can reduce their sex drive
If given a chance to advice Mr. Smith, I would recommend him
to minimize going out in the sun when it is at the peak of the morning but if
not possible since he works under the sun, it would be good to put on sunblock
with a highest SPF and use precautionary measures like using hats and wearing
long sleeve to protect also the skin. More
water to hydrate, and vitamins for skin protection.
C, as A,B, and D aren't true.
Answer: Exploitation, invasive species
If the government introduces laws prohibiting hunting, it would somewhat reduce the impact of exploitation would have on the biodiversity because hunting is mainly done for the purpose of fun or to derive valuables from animals like skin, horn, ivory, venome for selling them in the international market and making huge profit from them. Introduction of prohibition law on hunting will reduce killing and exploitation of animals for their valuables.
If laws prohibiting introduction of new plant or animal species within the country are passed, it will curb the effect of invasive species would have on the seas. Invasive species are those living species which are arrive or immegrate to new locations in search of resources. These species compete with native species which results in decline of native species. This will result in disturbance in actual sea biodiversity as this will result in decline in native sea species and may also lead to extinction of native species.