Mowgli, armed with fire, is about to confront the wolves and Shere Khan, who want to kill him.
At this point in the story, Mowgli has learned that many of the younger wolves fear him as he is growing into a man. Their leader, who loves Mowgli, is getting old and will soon be replaced. Mowgli steals fire from the village and takes it to to Council Rock to prove his superiority over the animals. The wolves and Shere Khan are waiting there for him. Most of the wolves there want to kill Mowgli.
It provides the adventures he has had.
Culture is the total way of life that people in the society are blessed with. Culture is the characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Through culture we are governed by norms and customs, which are the pillars of any society. If these pillars are not properly followed in our society, our culture will resemble a perfume with no smell. It’s a gradual existence of presenting those norms and customs to people who surround us through music, dances, arts, crafts, food, dressing style, languages just to mention a few.