Hi! Make sure that the website has a few things. Proper Keywords, the pages have the proper tags, a form on the website, contact information, CIty State, Etc., Then a phone number. Social media icons that link properly to the social media pages.
The answer that fills in the blank is orientation. It is because orientation does not provide all the details of what they are doing but a guideline of what they must do, in order for them to be guided on the things that they need to learn as they start. They require proper guidance which is the orientation before performing before hand. Especially when they are not familiar on what they need to do.
Answer: The difference between the scope and linkage is as follows:-
- Scope of the variable is defined as the variable view from different program parts whereas the linkage is described as the link that is made between the variable and the declaration function having the common name.
- Scope of variable describes about the existing time of the variable in the program whereas linkage is defined for the name of variable present in the program is available at all time .