1) alegremente
2) constantemente
3) gradualmente
4) perfectamente
5) realmente
6) frecuentemente
7) tranquilamente
8) regularmente
9) maravillosamente
10) normalmente
11) básicamente
12) afortunadamente
Here is an example of the suffix "-mente" in Spanish, which is a mode adverb. Semantically, the suffix -mente equals the idea of way.
Example slightly = the light way.
Ejemplo lentamente = de manera lenta.
Many adverbs of mode are formed by adding -mente to the feminine or neutral form.
If an adjective has an accent, it is maintained by changing it to an adverb with the -mente suffix.
- rápido - rápidamente
- frío - fríamente
- útil - útilmente
If there are two consecutive adverbs, only the last one will have the -mente suffix and the previous ones maintain the feminine or neutral form.
- Caminaba lento y cuidadosamente.
- Me lo dijo sincero, respetuoso y dócilmente.