The United Nations (the UN) was established in 1945, the same year the Second World War ended. This organization was created in the hopes of averting such another massive war.
Japan was on a quest for power so they dicided to attack neighboring countires
en los años 50, la Comunidad Europea del Carbón y del Acero es el primer paso de una unión económica y política de los países europeos para lograr una paz duradera.
La Unión Europea nació con el anhelo de acabar con los frecuencia
In Hinduism, the whole universe was created by Brahma. In Buddhism, there exist many "Buddhas" who are people who awakened (Nirvana), and stopped the process of reincarnation. Buddhism has no creator god to explain the origin of the universe. Instead, it teaches that everything depends on everything else: present events are caused by past events and become the cause of future events.