Las especies invasoras son animales, plantas u otros organismos que se desarrollan fuera de su área de distribución natural, en hábitats que no le son propios o con una abundancia inusual, produciendo alteraciones en la riqueza y diversidad de los ecosistemas. Cuando son transportados e introducidos por el ser humano en lugares fuera de su área de distribución natural, consiguiendo establecerse y dispersarse en la nueva región se les denomina especies exóticas invasoras resultando normalmente muy dañinas
Astrocytes are specialized glial cells found in the brain and spinal cord, they are responsible for maintaining the electrolytic composition of the cerebrospinal fluid, induce the formation of the blood-brain barrier and act as a support and guide for neurons during migration. They keep the ionic composition of the extracellular fluid of the central nervous system through the water channels, Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) and K channels, located in the pedicle processes of the astrocytes in the perivascular space, these cells exchange K and water in said perivascular medium away from the neurons. Astrocytes selectively edematize during hypotonic stress, while neurons do not.
I'm pretty sure it's A because fish = fish feces which = nutrients.