Yes both because weapons were a big part of Western Technology.
el profesionista debe conducirse con justicia, honradez, honestidad, diligencia, lealtad, respeto , formalidad, discreción, honorabilidad, ... sinceridad, provida, dignidad, buena fe y en estricta observancia a las normas legales y éticas de su profesión. el enunciado se refiere a una disposición o norma ética ...
The right option is the US dollar has become stronger. When this occurs, purchase power increases if compared to foreign goods and services, enabling US citizens to benefit from those. Certainly, tourist sites getting crowded and dirty is a risk that must counted on, perhaps not the ideal situation for anyone.
Answer: Based on the concept of scarcity, they should be concerned about the amount of energy they have to sell and the supplies to clean the cars.
Q:Where will unsold energy drinks be stored?
A: They should consider the amount of space they currently have. If there is not enough room they can be consumed or thrown away if they go bad.
Q: Is there enough consumer demand for a car wash?
A: Make sure that people in your area actually NEED a carwash. There would be no need to have one if nobody would pay for one.
Q: Will the concession stand be open during the big game?
A: Chances are you will have competitors during your sale. Make sure your prices are reasonable and that you have something the attract people to your business.
Q: Are there enough volunteers to work a car wash?
A: Make sure everyone is in agreement of the plan. If nobody wants to do anything nothing will get done and nobody wins.