you're watching television and an infomercial comes on for a new stain removal product called "mr. fantastic." this product clai
ms to remove any stain from any material, no matter how old it is. you've just finished reading an extensive article about why some stains can't be removed. by comparing these two pieces of information, you're utilizing which of the following? a. critical thinking b. logic c. observation d. prediction
A. There is no objective reason to know which of the information sources is right. But because they make contradicting statements you utilize critical thinking to assess their value.
Critical thinking refers to the analysis and evaluation of information you make to form your own judgement.
Logic means getting to a conclusion by evaluating the validity of certain statements.
Observation refers to the process of watching something.
Prediction is what you think is going to happen.
So, according to this definitions and considering that you are comparing two pieces that provide conflicting information on a topic, you are evaluating both to create your own opinion which means that you are using critical thinking.
World War I and II. These wars caused lots of economic growth and development because there was a pressure to create better inventions. Having better technology could mean the win or lose of a war. :D