Minerals can not be made of organic materials
Density of Marble = 2711kg/m3
Density of Basket Ball = 0.6299Kg/m3
An object with twice as much mass will exert twice as much gravitational pull.
The marbel in this case have more mass than the basketball,and this happens to experience much gravitational pull.
Stoping: It is a geological process where surrounding bedrock is broken off to accommodate rising magma from the source in the mantle or the lower crust to the surface.
Stocks: They are igneous intrusions like batholiths, but smaller. The surface exposure is less than 100 sq km.
They are composite bodies most likely fed by batholiths found deeper in the earth.
Emplacement: this refers to the intrusion of igneous rocks in older rocks. It may also refer to the development of ore or ore deposit.
Laccoliths: This is a sheet intrusion that is injected in between two layers of sedimentary rock. They are mushroom-shaped and have a flat floor and the roof is domed.
As in most of the places that it spread out, the plague had a devastating effect on the Byzantine Empire and its society because of the big amount of death among the population. The Byzantine Empire was heavily influenced by the plague, and it lost very big portion of its population, which made the country weaker in both military and economic perspective. Because the empire was weakened, and it was in a period of the rising of the strong Turkic tribes that were moving westward, the empire was not able to keep its borders and ended its glory.
B.P is the abbreviation of British patrol. It is a gas company