Answer: As matter cycles and energy flows through living systems and between living systems and the physical environment, matter and energy are conserved in each change. The carbon cycle provides an example of matter cycling and energy flow in ecosystems.
C. Primers are short sequences that allow the initiation of DNA synthesis.
Mrs Jones Blood type= B type.
Safe transfusion from: B and O blood type.
In the given example, the anti-B antibodies are present in the donor plasma. Since anti-B antibodies react with B antigen present on the RBCs of blood, Mrs. Jones should have B antigen on the surface of her RBCs. The blood type with only B-antigen on the RBC's surface is blood type "B".
Hence, her blood type is "B" type which has B antigens that react with anti B antibodies of the donor plasma causing agglutination and hemolysis of RBCs.
She can get the blood of B and O blood types. Blood type O is a universal blood type as it does not have B or A antigens on the surface of its RBCs to initiate the agglutination.
prokaryotes have no nucleus and membrane bound organelles but eukaryotes do
The shirt is soft
and red: Qualitative
It is 72 degrees
Fahrenheit outside: Qualitative
The river flows more
quickly in the spring
than in the summer: Quantitative
There are eight elephants
over the age of six: Qualitative