After the end of World War II it was the time of decline of European colonies which lead to the rise of new superpowers and emergence of several new countries on the map.
After WWII Europe was divided into USA captured Europe and USSR capture Europe. The end of the war increased the rate of decolonization. Independence being granted from great powers like India from United Kingdom, Indonesia from Netherland. The Philippines from The United States and several Arab nations get free from the superpowers.
This happened because the superpowers were badly affected by the war and they were not able to rule other nations anymore so they have to step back. Thus how the World War II led to the origin of independence and even the formation of so many new countries and nations.
He could have avoided war by continuing to pay tributes and appease their demands.
Jefersson believed that contuining to pay tributes to Tripoli and pirates would lead to more demand and eventually manipulation so he refused to pay them anymore. Tripoli then declared war on the US.
Federalism cuz America baby
Answer: To let the black kids in the school without getting hurt