See Explaination
public class testscope
//start of main function
public static void main(String[] args)
//varible declration
int i;
int x;
//loop for 10 times
for(i=0; i<10; i++)
//initialize value of x to 10
x = 10;
//the scope of variable x is visible outside of for loop
System.out.println("The value of x is: "+x);
See attachment for sample output
You can clearly see in the output of Java program the value of x is not printed and program return errors. It means the variable x declared inside for loop does not has scope outside the for loop.
I'm not too experienced with code including external memory, but i believe there was an error with the code mixing that either mixed lines of code up or got rid of code to save files onto your device. Try looking up code for the device, see if that helps at all.
You should definitely consider what kind of audience you are appealing to. For example, if you were running a business based on cosmetic products you may want to focus your website on self-care and makeup tips rather than something like cooking. By making your website direct about what you offer, the better the audience will understand. This will make your website succeed. Hope this helped :))
d. Stockholder theory
The theory of maximising profits
Using subnet mask will be helpful, what the subnet mask does is moving the IP address boundary bettween the part that represents a network and the part that represents a host, thus, instructing the operating system which IP addresses are on the local subnet. Then the operating will communicate directly with the other host without using the router. Once this is achieved, memorizing the IP addresses is needless.