The answer is "D"
The body's first line of defense is also known as Innate immunity and incudes mucous membranes. Both the intact skin and mucous membranes of the body offer a high degree of protection against pathogens.
A good example is the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. It is lined up with cilia and covered with mucus. The coordinated beating of the cilia drives the mucus up to the nose and mouth where the trapped bacteria can be expelled.
(Lymph nodes and white blood cells belong to the second line of defense, not the first)
2, 3, 4, 5
I think this is right sorry if I get it wrong
1.Continuous diffusion of negatively charged ions into the postsynaptic neurons , <u>which leads to continuous reversal of charges (hyperpolarization) and therefore continuous firing of action potential</u>
2. Inhibition of hydrolytic enzymes e.g (acetycholinesterase) that metabolize activities of cholinergic neurotransmitters e,g acetycholine at post synaptic cleft. leading to firing of action potential.
Neuron whose dendrites transmits action potential to the neuromuscular junction is called presynaptic neuron. While neuron that transmit action potential away from the neuronal synaptic junction, or from the neuromuscular junction to the cell body of adjacent neuron or to effectors (gland and muscles) are called post synaptic neuron.
The more negatively charged ions that diffused into the post synsptic neuron, the more depolarization, and the greater the frequency of action potential produced
The inhibition of activities of hydrolytic enzyme which metabolize cholinergic neurotransmitter leads to continuous excitatory activities of cholinergic neurotransmitters on the receptors at the postsynaptic neuron, and the more action potential
list of three devices are 1st phone 2nd doorbell 3rd alarm clock
if these devices will not produce sound then we can not do our work properly these are very useful for everyday life