Los plasmodesmos forman una ruta importante para la comunicación entre las células vegetales. Regulan la comunicación de célula a célula, permitiendo así la diferenciación de órganos y tejidos vegetales.
Los plasmodesmos facilitan el movimiento de moléculas entre las células, desde pequeños productos fotosintéticos hasta grandes proteínas y ARNm. En el tejido vascular, los plasmodesmos son cruciales para el movimiento de nutrientes. También son cruciales durante el desarrollo porque, a diferencia de las células animales, las células vegetales no se mueven. Por tanto, la expresión correcta de genes tanto temporal como espacialmente es importante. Mientras que las células vegetales, como las células animales, son capaces de interactuar receptor-ligando para enviar señales a otras células, los plasmodesmos ofrecen contacto directo. Además, el tamaño de la manga difiere en diferentes tipos de células y tejidos vegetales. Por tanto, los plasmodesmos son un componente celular activo en el transporte intercelular, durante el desarrollo y en el tejido maduro.
The key evolutionary development of animals seen for the first time in sponges is that of Multicellularity. A Multicellular organism has a longer lifespan than an unicellular organism and since it has multiple cells, it can perform more functions. Sponges do not have distinct circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and excretory systems – instead the water flow system supports all these functions.
A. Shine-Dalgarno Sequence:
- This is a binding site found in the messenger RNA (mRNA) in prokaryotic organisms. It is found upstream of the start codon AUG and aids in the initiation of protein synthesis
- Signal Recognition Protein (SRP). This acts by binding to the bacterial ribosome, which as a result restricts protein synthesis.
- Nuclear Localisation Signal is a short amino acid sequence, which is responsible for transporting proteins from the cell cytoplasm into the nucleus. The NLS is also responsible for the development of the nuclear envelope of the cell.
D. Ubiquitin:
- Found predominately in Eukaryota, the ubiquitin is a protein that aids in the control of other proteins within the organism.
E. Specificity Factor:
- Also known as the sigma factor, is responsible for the initiation of bacterial transcription. It is recycled during the transcription process and is only required at the initiation of transcription.
- cAMP Receptor Protein (CRP) is involved in catabolite (glucose) repression and serves as an inducer in the process.
dark blue: denser oceanic crust is subducting...
The answer is b because it is negative on our world