Six-year-old Nick's parents have been called to school repeatedly during the past two years for a variety of problems ranging fr
om disobeying teachers to bullying classmates. Their position is that, like any other boy his age, Nick is testing the limits. Which of the following correlates to how school officials should respond if they take a developmental psychopathology perspective? a. All children test the limits, but the only way they become adults is to stop that testing
b. Although it is normal for children to test the limits, your son's limit testing is not appropriate for his age
c. We just want to make you aware of your son's behavior; we do expect that he will outgrow this stage soon
d. Testing the limits is a sign of a deeply rooted psychological disturbance that needs to be treated
Correct answer is (b) Although it is normal for children to test the limits, your son's limit testing is not appropriate for his age
It is normal from kids to test their limit however, at age six, disobeying teachers and bullying of classmates is extra ordinary and should be checked.
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