This naturally led to the diffusion of multiple inventions, both those of the Mongols and those ideas the Mongols usurped from cultures they conquered. While the Mongols profited from the trade of silk and tea from China to Europe, they also spread the Chinese inventions of printing and paper.
It opened up a second front in the war, which lead ultimately to the defeat of nazi Germany.
1. The U.S. Constitution uses federalism to divide<span> governmental powers between the federal government and the individual state governments. The Tenth Amendment tells us that all powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states.
2. </span><span>Articles I-III of the United States Constitution allow for three separate </span>branches of government<span> (legislative, executive, and judicial), along with a system of checks and balances should any </span>branch get too powerful. Belinda Stutzman breaks down each branch<span> and its constitutionally-entitled powers.</span>
Please give me brainliest
Before its entry into World War I, the United States of America was a nation of untapped military potential and growing economic might. But the war changed the United States in two important ways: the country's military was turned into a large-scale fighting force with the intense experience of modern war, a force that was clearly equal to that of the old Great Powers; and the balance of economic power began to shift from the drained nations of Europe to America.
However, the dreadful toll taken by the war led U.S. politicians to retreat from the world and return to a policy of isolationism. That isolation initially limited the impact of America's growth, which would only truly come to fruition in the aftermath of World War II. This retreat also undermined the League of Nations and the emerging new political order.
Socialism Rises to the World Stage
The collapse of Russia under the pressure of total warfare allowed socialist revolutionaries to seize power and turn communism, one of the world’s growing ideologies, into a major European force. While the global socialist revolution that Vladimir Lenin believed was coming never happened, the presence of a huge and potentially powerful communist nation in Europe and Asia changed the balance of world politics.
Germany's politics initially tottered toward joining Russia, but eventually pulled back from experiencing a full Leninist change and formed a new social democracy. This would come under great pressure and fail from the challenge of Germany's right, whereas Russia's authoritarian regime after the tsarists lasted for decades.
Respuesta: Invade Polonia.
Hitler ordena a la Wehrmacht, el Ejército de Tierra del Tercer Reich, invadir a la República de Polonia en la madrugada del 1 de abril de 1.939, esa invasión generó reacciones por parte de Reino Unido y Francia, los cuales tenían acuerdos de defensa mutua con ese país de la Europa Oriental. A las primeras horas de la mañana de ese día, el Reino Unido y la República Francesa declararon la guerra al Tercer Reich, dando comienzo a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.