Answer: industrial revolution not only affected working class, it created working class. It was the main consequence, because before there was only labour working on the fields. The second consequence was that industrial revolution caused process or urbanization (people moving from country to towns and cities) and the third one was that the social conflict became more visible.
Explanation: European society was mainly rural society before the industrial revolution. Majority of people lived in the countryside and in certain harmony with the nature. Industrial revolution cut off people from the nature and natural life-style. Sometimes it is referred as "alienation". Result of that were masses of "alienated" people suppressing their natural drives and life-style of their ancestors. These people frequently lived in inhuman conditions in towns, were explored and this was something that contradicted to the ideals of Enlightenment and the French revolution. Working class became aware of this social problem in 1848 but at the same time there was a nationalism ...another strong tendency among masses of people. So people became increasingly aware both their social status (and conflict, and alienation) and their nationality.
This quote states that the reassures colonial farmers can earn their benefit from their own goods without Great Britain's help. He served as the President of United States. He also worked as an intellectual, author, and inventor, revolutionary in his career.
He played an important role in the American Revolution of 1776. He structured his political thinking by writing the rising wave of revolution in America. His two most influential writings were;
1. Common sense
2. The American Crisis
These two places were British colonies like the U.S once was. A colony is a place of land claimed by a country that is not connected to the mainland.
Patricians were small, but had power,People were against this because they were the smallest group and had lots of power which seemed unfair so laws were written down so that laws could not be changed whenever the patricians wanted.
The major physical feature that the pioneers crossing West had to contend with were the Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains.
These mountain ranges were treacherous and many died trying to find passages to cross.