B. As snow and ice melt, the underlying surfaces absorb heat from solar radiation
Which of these is part of a feedback loop that results in a cooling effect on Earth as snow and ice melt, the underlying surfaces absorb heat from solar
Answer: 26 chromosomes.
The diploid number is the number of chromosomes required for two
sets of copies of the organism’s genome ( this is the number of chromosomes in the cells except gametic cells). The organism's genome is represented as n, and the diploid number,as 2n (2 x 13= 26).
During sexual reproduction, meiosis generates genetic variation in offspring because the process randomly shuffles genes across chromosomes and then randomly separates half of those chromosomes into each gamete. The two gametes then randomly fuse to form a new organism.
By the end of meiosis, the resulting reproductive cells, or gametes, each have 23 genetically unique chromosomes. The overall process of meiosis produces four daughter cells from one single parent cell. Each daughter cell is haploid, because it has half the number of chromosomes as the original parent cell
Answer: Maybe if you knew the def's you could answer it.
Initial Decay – Bacteria located mainly in the lower intestine begin decomposition, giving a greenish color to the lower abdomen. Stage 2: Putrefaction – Bacteria grow throughout the body, releasing gases, including cadaverine, which in turn bloat the body and cause unpleasant odor.
the process of decay or rotting in a body or other organic matter.
Black putrefaction occurs, which is when noxious odors are released from the body and the parts of the body undergo a black discoloration. 2 weeks: The abdomen is bloated; internal gas pressure nears maximum capacity. 3 weeks: Tissues have softened. Organs and cavities are bursting.
Fermentation occurring in putrefaction and apparently in the digestion of herbivorous mammals in which butyric acid is produced by certain chiefly anaerobic bacteria acting upon various organic substances (such as lactic acid or butter)
A dry body will not decompose efficiently. Moisture helps the growth of microorganisms that decompose the organic matter, but too much moisture could lead to anaerobic conditions slowing down the decomposition process