the steam engine, the age of science and mass production, and the rise of digital technology.
The primary idea that emerges from disturbing mental images that haunt Shelley after she overhears a discussion between Lord Byron and her husband is the implications of human power over life.
Mary Shelley is well-known for her horror novel Frankenstein in 1818.
Agriculture production went up with more slaves to do it but without slave it would cost more money to pay people to do it.
Stigmatizing and blaming other cultural beliefs. People place blame on others before taking responsibility themselves
Answer:It is because of his ethnocentrism
Ethnocentrism is a term that refers to the fact that someone thinks that their Culture,ethnicity,nationality,religion and race is better than that of other people .
This belief may make someone thinks that people need to convert into his or her religion or they need to start doing things that his or her nation does because the person believes that theirs(culture,nation, religion etc) is the only thing that is the best in the world.
Nathan says the American education is the only best and effective in the world and this probably offended these other students who come from other countries.