Real Exchange Rate computed as German goods per U.S. goods: 2
Cost in the US: 0.50 dollar
Cost in Germany: 1 euro
Real Exchange Rate: German Goods / U.S. Goods
Real Exchange Rate: 1 / 0.50 = 2
The real exchange rate measures the price of foreign goods relative to the price of domestic goods.
D)the second-period demand curve will shift substantially to the right.
If monopolist succeeds in selling a sufficiently high quantity in the first period, then in the second period it will further increase and will shift the demand curve to right hand.
inter-organizational system
An inter-organizational system refers to the network amongst organizations, or "sharing communications system between such a number of companies." The most common method of inter-organizational systems is electronic communications exchange, which allows for the immediate desktop-to-computer transmission of information.
The inter-organizational rules allow knowledge exchange to be streamlined between companies in terms of achieving a planned supply-chain management structure that allows profitable businesses to evolve. It facilitates customer needs planning and products and services distribution.
What kind of absurd logic is that?
oh, let me not talk for a few days maybe I might end up sounding like a girl. yeah, good luck with that mate.