<span>Set a budget and save early and save often! Try not spending too much money on invaluable objects.</span>
When you go to that site it directs you to the Amazon website.
This is one of the interesting marketing strategies used by <em>Jeff Benzon</em> -owner of Amazon.com- to create more volumes of traffic to its site.
Relentless is a word that means sustained, inexorable, implacable, that makes sense that the online company would always be very persistent and is going to do everything is on its hand to pursue the client.
Some people like it, others not, because they feel they are cheated when they have other things in mind, click the site and they find that is Amazon wanted you to buy something.
Explanation: Perpetuating the status quo simply means prolonging the way things are, as opposed to the way they could be. For example, a manager failing to explore new methods and ideas probably because they feel the current status is working well.
Eloise knee very well all other stores that have started selling organic products, accepting smartphone payments have recorded significant profits increase but she is just "fine" the way she is. This is an example of Perpetuating the status quo.
One who spreads ideas to help an institution is known as a propagandist