The answers to your question is pilgrims
Creator of the Assembly line —> Henry Ford
First Major Mail-Order catalog —> Tiffany and Company
Major seller of mail-order homes —> Sears
First mail order catalog seen in the U.S —> Montgomery Ward
President of General Motors —> Alfred Sloan
First mass produced vehicle in the U.S —> Model T
The people votes for members that are put in leadership positions in congress
According to French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, students from diverse backgrounds come to school with different amounts of <u>Cultural Capital</u>.
What is Cultural Capital?
Cultural capital refers to a person's social assets, including knowledge of how to dress, language competency, and knowledge of art and music.
According to Bourdieu, cultural capital comes in three forms- embodied, objectified, and institutionalized. One's accent or dialect is an example of embodied cultural capital while a luxury car are examples of objectified capital.
The habit of a person is the physical embodiment of cultural capital.
Learn more about cultural capital here: