The vast majority of them were people ... primarily men ... who hunted and gathered stuff to eat.
The correct answers are:
1-Agrarian: A society based around agriculture rather than industry
2-Aristocracy:People of the highest social class or nobility
3-Demographics:Characteristics of population, size,density and distribution.
4-Propietary: An arrangement where private owners are given rights normally reserved for states
Drawing rooms, hostesses held regular social gatherings
Although there are numerous factors that can affect a counties GDP, especially today when the entire world is so "connected", a major reason why GDP fluctuates so much in this part of the world is that these economies rely primary on agriculture, which can be profitable one year and then not profitable the next, due to weather changes.
Belgium wouldn't allow Germany passage through their territory.
Belgium wanted to remain neutral to both sides and allowing Germans passage to France was not remaining neutral to France.
Germany invaded France because they had declared war on them but when invading Belgium to get into France, they broke the treaty of London which is why Great Britain entered the war.
France was allied with Russia which is why Germany declared war against them. Hitler wanted to rule Russia and expand its empire, since France sided with Russia to defeat the expansion, Germany called for a war against them, thus pulling France into WW2.
Hope this helps!